XML/RSS Feed What is this?

Though the future of the web is any one's guess, it looks like "feeds" are becoming a great way to get info from the World wide Web. Hence the link to "syndicate this site" on the left side of these pages.

Though it probably means installing another piece of software, keeping up to date with the pages you enjoy reading is a breeze. And it looks like, if things go foreword with this RSS stuff, it may be a great way to interact with those pages you read. Your news will basically get "pushed" to you, rather than you having to go out to each site and find it. And when you've got a super sporadic person like me writing, you will know when I have finally made an update!

For the Mac, Safari integrates this in the browser. But installing an RSS feed reader like NetNewsWire makes the experience quite enjoyable. All your subscriptions sit on one side of the window, making it easy to see which articles you have read and not read, and which sites have changed since your last visit.

For the Windows crowd, SharpReader seems to be quite popular.

Anyways, that's why that link "syndicate this site" is there...

Posted: Tue - November 29, 2005 at 10:24 AM        
