Allalinhorn Traverse- The Hohlaub Ridge

After a hot July and a cool August, September announces summer's return.

We traversed the Allalinhorn, August 31, via the Hohlaub Ridge, just a couple of days after August's last cold front left 30 cm on the peaks. Conditions were superb, offering soft snow on the lower glaciers, crunchy nevé on the upper ridge, and consolidated snow on the rock section. The climbing was classic alpine, non-fatiguing, lift accessed descent to valley beers. What more could a person want? Perfect Corsican granite?

We got that too, hiking to the Almageller Hut and climbing the super, structured, granite just behind the cabin. This place offers simply the best granite climbing anywhere. And the hut is 5 minutes away.

The weather forecast is calling for warm, summer weather for the rest of the week!

Posted: Sat - September 2, 2006 at 06:58 AM        
