The Monastery at the col de St. Bernard

A short climb on skis to this famous monastery.

A glance out my window showed me the Foehn was up, and I was not to forget my outer layer of Gor-Tex to cut the wind.

Frank and I skinned to the col St.Bernard to start our winter season. A superb winter ambiance greeted us the moment we stepped out of the car- the wind was blowing snow everywhere!

We still do not have much snow. Skiing is possible in Verbier on artificial snow- Lac des Vaux and down to Ruinettes. But one needs to go a bit higher, say above 2500 meters, to get into the natural stuff with any depth at all. The forecast calls for more snow tonight, so things are slowly shaping up...

Posted: Fri - December 8, 2006 at 12:38 PM        
