Mini Haute Route Chamonix-Zermatt

Conditions have quickly changed from deep powder to stable and firm.

We have had super dry air and warm temperatures for the past 7 days, creating mid-Spring conditions. One week ago, I never would have imagined getting high in these mountains. But the heat has stabilized things so much, we did a mini Haute Route (big photos ), returning to the valley floor, yesterday. Wind blown snow is all the rage, but rivers of powder are there for those inclined!

Another change of weather is forecasted for tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. Temperatures should return to normal winter temps, and we could see a nice dusting of snow, returning us to winter powder skiing again... The avalanche danger will certainly rise from it's present level 1 (wow, level 1!) to 2 or 3. Yipee!

Posted: Fri - February 6, 2004 at 06:31 AM        
