Winter is coming…

Ski touring at mid-elevations now in November is not bad at all. That first sensation of g-forces, hips, knees and ankles, all working together to keep it all right, create such good feelings, as one links new winter turn after new winter turn.

A warm spell 3 days ago thawed the upper layer of the 60cm of snow we have at 2500 meters. Midday, spring skiing on south faces between 2000 and 3000 meters is excellent! With a thin base, one obviously needs to choose areas where the snow has blown into depressions. High winds associated with the last storm created large areas of deep snow and others of bare ground. At the moment, one is able to drive to 1700 meters, then skin a thousand to make a few fine turns.

TeleVerbier opens for weekends from tomorrow. Lac des Vaux is well covered, as is the terrain down to Ruinettes. Enjoy those fresh, first, few turns: there ain’t nothin’ like it!


snow above Verbier

The view from my house today.

3 thoughts on “Winter is coming…

  1. Sharon

    Hi Hansi,
    I just found your website on your Dad’s new laptop. I loved reading your blog and wish you were here….Waipio in the morning, Kapanaia in the afternoon, and fresh mahimahi and poi for dinner. Your pictures are beautiful and scare me to death at the same time. I still remember walking across that frozen waterfall above Verbier! Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgeevum.
    Imua and much aloha,

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