Verbier Opens for skiing

Televerbier opened the lifts to Attelas yesterday, November 2. There were lots of skiers out and about. What a novelty to ski on packed snow! I opted instead for a wander up to Gentianes today. It was super warm with 4C at 2000m. I needed only a short sleeved shirt to get me above the Cabane de Mont Fort where the wind started to puff. The snow was humid even at 3000m on the steep, southern aspects. Have a look at the low res shots I took on the way up to get an idea of what conditions were like today.

The forecast calls for this foehn to stop tomorrow, then another moderate dump on this baked base. That could make things quite skiable!

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About Hans Solmssen

I am a professional mountain guide living in Verbier, Switzerland. I grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii after my father moved to Hawaii to teach at Hawaii Preparatory Academy. He created a horse program at this high school, located in the middle of the largest, privately owned cattle ranch in the US. Horses were a major part of my life, even playing polo for a few years. I moved to northern Vermont to go to school, and discovered skiing. Little did I know, this would become my life's passion: guiding friends and clients over the mountains around the world on skis and foot. I moved to Verbier, Switzerland in 1982, and entered the Swiss guide's program in '88. I received my UIAGM "pin" 3 years later in 1991. I have two kids, Anya and Kevin.

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