Summer Fun

It has been a fun summer, full of ups and downs.

The weather has been full of changes so far this season. With a super fine April, one had to wonder what summer would bring. We have had periods of real nice sun and warmth. But if you were a bit unlucky, you saw lots of cold and snow in the mid to high elevations.

Conditions are fine at the moment. With the regular passage of active cold fronts, snow has accumulated on the high glaciers, offering good ground to many of the approaches. The weather for next few days will be perfect. Then we will see another cold front by mid-week. But that's about par for the course this summer!

I have been climbing and sailing, taking advantage of the wind as the fronts move through. Lake Geneva has proved on many occasions that she can offer beautiful yet challenging sailing for those who want it. With festivals like the Montreaux Jazz and Paleo on the Swiss side complimenting the relaxed French side of the lake, we have discovered how much fun sailing close to home can be.

I have added a link to ABS on the left side of the site. Skiing with this life saving device for the past 3 seasons makes me wonder why more manufactures and free-riders have not picked up on it. The main stumbling block has been its weight, which is now low, and price, which is still high. But hey, I'm worth it! :-)

Posted: Sat - August 4, 2007 at 02:27 PM        
