First day on the K2 Hell Bents!

What a Hoot!

How long has it been snowing? How many times have we skied Creblet to Verbier this year? What uproarious skiing we've had for days and days now. I have been shoveling my parking lot 2 times a day with little relief.

What a blast these new reverse camber skis are from good ol' K2. I did a quick run under the lift off Ruinnettes before the Funispace opened. It was a bit chopped up from yesterday, with 30cm of fresh from last night. But skiing was so easy with these skis! I am able to turn them sideways like a snowboard, in mid-turn. That's it! It really is like having 2 snow boards on my feet. It's me that dictates what angle to the fall line I want to direct my boards. What a hoot!

It cleared as we got on the Funi to les Attelas. Bodies all choked up along the ridge towards Creblet. Skiing over their skis, they're skiing over my skis- every one laughing and giggling, free falling into steeper and steeper slopes as the view disappears in front of the curtain of powder pushed up ahead of me.

No pictures...

The snow pack is real interesting. It was so warm when it started snowing 3 weeks ago. The ground is still taking its time freezing up. There was another fine example of snow slippage yesterday up on the steep, grassy slopes west of Creblet. A hug, gaping crack to the ground where the snow pulled way from itself exposed the grass underneath. At 1600 meters, we have 40cm of wet big grains. Then an ice layer, then another 40 or so centimeters of more wet big grains. Then another layer of ice with all this fresh stuff on top.

The forecast is for real cold temps for the first time since we got all this snow. If that lasts for a few days, all these layers may bond into some wicked snow pack for the winter...

the Hell Bents

Posted: Tue - December 11, 2007 at 02:08 PM        
